Friday, January 30, 2009

Stoke Twestival

What is it?
Twestival is a global festival that will bring hundreds of communities together to raise funds for charity: water. It is being organised using Twitter, a popular online communications service. The whole organisation of the event will happen in less than three weeks by volunteers putting in small bits of time towards one big cause.

Where is the Stoke Twestival?
Stoke Twestival will take place at 6.30 on 12 February in the Leopard, Burslem.
Tickets for the event are on sale now for £5. We're also selling virtual tickets for anybody who can't make it but would like to donate and be entered into the raffle - we'll be aiming to share as much as we can of the night for people to join in from wherever they are.

How can I be involved?
What we really need right now is offers of raffle prizes and entertainment for the evening as well as people who would like to volunteer to do anything to help (don't volunteer just to get a free ticket though, everyone will need to be a ticket holder on the night, it's fairer that way and otherwise we'll have capacity problems).

We are very grateful to the Leopard for free use of the room and of course to all the global sponsors who are creating free infrastructure for us to use. More sponsors and prizes will be announced on the website as confirmed.

Why charity:water?
The Twestival is organized 100% by volunteers in cities around the world and 100% of the money raised from these events will go directly to support charity: water projects. By rallying together globally, under short timescales, for a single aim on the same day, the Twestival hopes to bring awareness to this global crisis. Right now 1.1 billion people on the planet don't have access to safe, clean drinking water. That's one in six of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all sickness and disease, and kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Many communities in developing nations often have a plentiful supply of clean drinking water just below the ground, but no way to get to it. The Twestival is organized 100% by volunteers in cities around the world and 100% of the money raised from these events will go directly to support projects.

Where can I find out more?

• Please follow us at
• Buy your tickets at and read updates at
• If you're a bit suspicious of Twitter, join the Facebook event page and invite your friends:
• Offers of raffle prizes should be made here:
• Offers of bands & entertainment should be made here:

Global press release:

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